Metro Rail Station : Frequent Terms | মেট্রোরেল স্টেশনে বহুল ব্যবহৃত কিছু শব্দ
Terms Frequently used in Metro Rail.
ASS - Auxiliary Sub-Station
TSS - Traction Sub Station
RSS - Receiving Sub-Station
AFC - Auto Fare Collection
SIG - Signaling
PSD - Platform Screening Door
TEL - Telecommunication
L&E - Lift & Escalator
PSY - Power System
DG - Diesel Generator
AMF - Automatic Main Failure
O&M - Operational and Maintenance
S&T - Signaling & Telecom
BMS - Building Management System
SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCR - Station Control Room
EFO - Excess Fare Office
TOM - Ticket Office Machine
TVM - Ticket Vending Machine
PG - Passenger Gate
TIW - Ticket Issuing Window
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